Karfan þín er tóm
  • Reykjanesbær
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  • Selfossi
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  • Smiðjuvegi 68
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  • Vöruhús
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Aðrar upplýsingar

Upplýsingar um vöru

Vörunúmer: E16116111

IFI Sprinkler stútur 68° Upp Hraðvirkur

Stærð: ½"

Litur: Kopar 



The Rapidrop model RD055 SSU are Quick Response frangible glass bulb automatic sprinklers. They are CE Marked, LPCB, VdS, FM approved, UL listed, standard orifice fire sprinklers for installation in fire sprinkler systems. Sprinklers produce a hemispherical water distribution pattern below the deflector. In a fire condition the heat causes the fluid in the glass bulb to expand which shatters the glass and releases the spring seal assembly. Water flows from the orifice onto the sprinkler deflector which diffuses the water into a uniform spray pattern which extinguishes or controls the fire.

Nafn eiginleika Gildi eiginleika
Flokkur Sprinkler Stútar
Gerð Stútar
Stærð 1/2"
Litur Kopar
Hitastig 68°
Stefna Stúst Upp